Exploring New Frontiers - Enhancing Healthcare Finances and Access

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Xtend Healthcare

Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC) faces many challenges as it pursues its mission: “Alaska Native People working in  partnership to provide the best healthcare  for our communities.” Xtend is grateful for our nearly decade-long partnership with SEARHC.

Over the years, we have taken many steps to help SEARHC solve their challenges, including:

  • Increasing productivity and automation with our proprietary PRISM workflow management platform.
  • Tracking data to reduce denials and improve appeal results.
  • Enhancing staffing and career paths by rebadging staff and hiring remote workers.

Download the full report for more ways to enhance your healthcare finances and access today!

REH Designation Can Help Hospitals Overcome Financial and Operational Challenges

Sponsored by
Community Hospital Corporation

Are you a hospital executive concerned about the future of your community hospital? You aren’t alone. 

Many U.S. rural and community hospitals have been closed or made cutbacks in services. In January 2023, the federal government established the Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) designation as a way to retain local healthcare services.

This white paper explores the role of REHs, various trends impacting this model, implications of REHs, and key considerations involved in REH conversions.

The Rise of the Tech-Savvy Clinician

Sponsored by
Collette Health

It's a new day for the state of nursing. A new generation, Gen Z, is taking center stage. This digitally native generation has unique needs and wants. How do we ensure their success? How do we leverage the treasured experienced nurse to empower the future one? Together, how do they embrace the future of nursing? Read more to learn how the next generation will drive clinical transformation and how technology will enable them to get there.

Introducing The Collette Health Good Catch: What It Is and How They Prove Collette Health’s Efficacy

Sponsored by
Collette Health

The Collette Health Good Catch whitepaper introduces the idea of a "Good Catch." They are real-time, clinician-captured, and submitted within our 360 virtual observation platform. The "good catch" started as patient fall notes, evolving to more than 49 unique use cases impacting clinical and financial outcomes. In 2023, 2,135 good catches led to shorter lengths of stay and, most importantly, getting patients home to their loved ones. Here's how a "good catch" can make a difference.
