What the New CMS Staff Turnover Data Means for Nursing Homes

Staffing has become a nationwide issue that is impacting most industries,
especially healthcare. Long-term care is getting hit particularly hard as
close to 500,000 providers have left since the beginning of the pandemic.
That’s why it’s very important to understand the new measures, as they will
impact your facility’s Star Rating and ultimately, the reimbursement seen
from CMS. To help, we spent a little time doing some market research and
analysis to share with the broader long-term care community.

With more nursing professionals seeking new ways to work and a deeper
understanding of how things like COVID and weekend work preferences
impact the ability to maintain proper staffing levels, one thing is abundantly
clear - nursing homes will have to find ways beyond their full-time staff to
maintain their standing with CMS.

Download to see what we found.

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