With the advent of electronic health records (EHRs), the problem list – a once informal tool used to get up to speed on a patient’s condition – experienced some growing pains. The transformation from paper to digital made the documentation and maintenance of problem lists more complex, creating challenges for patient data integration; increasing clutter and disorganization; and adding administrative tasks to the clinician’s already busy day.
And while much has changed for the better since the early days of electronic charts, there’s always room for improvement. Luckily, The problem list toolkit is full of resources – 18, to be exact – that can help organizations of any size address some of the most common problem list problems.
Whether your goal is to make your problem list more problem-oriented; better organize specialty-specific information, or optimize your HCC capture for maximum reimbursement, this toolkit has articles, webinars, and guides to help you get there.
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