How IT leaders can help reduce clinician burnout
58% of clinicians say too many administrative tasks contribute to burnout*.
As health systems scramble to attract, hire, and retain talent, they need to focus on ways to enable clinicians to do more of what they love – care for patients. The opportunity to reduce clinician tasks and streamline processes can fall squarely in the IT leaders’ area, directly impacting workload, costs, and patient safety and outcomes.
How can IT leaders effectively engage teams to better support clinicians with technology they’ll value? In this eBook, learn about implementing key strategies such as:
- Modernizing and consolidating tech solutions
- Engaging the care team in the process
- Updating IT governance structure
- Optimize tools for both clinicians and patients
Learn more about supporting clinicians with technology in the eBook, “The IT Leader’s Underleveraged Opportunity to Reduce Clinician Burnout”.
*COVID-19 Drives Physician Burnout for Some Specialties. MedScape. January 25,2021. Retrieved on June 29, 2023 from: