5 Best Practices for Retaining Novice Nurse Talent through Your Residency Program
Nurse leaders are facing more challenges than ever before. With a 19.5% average nurse turnover rate,1 healthcare organizations continue to grapple with a growing experience-complexity gap and nursing shortage. On top of this, new nurses have an accelerated time to practice, causing them to feel stressed, apprehensive, and often overwhelmed. It’s no surprise that the average new graduate nurse turnover rate is even higher at 35%,2 or that the nursing workforce has seen the largest drop in over four decades.3
In this guidebook, learn more about current nursing challenges and five best practices for retaining your nurse talent through a robust residency program that can aid in boosting the overall success of your organization.
1 https://www.nsinursingsolutions.com/Documents/Library/NSI_National_Health_Care_Retention_Report.pdf
2 Windey, M., Lawrence, C., Guthrie, K., Weeks, D., Sullo, E., & Chapa, D., “A Systematic Review on Interventions Supporting Preceptor Development,” Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 31(6), (2015):312-323.
3 “A Worrisome Drop In The Number Of Young Nurses.” Auerbach, D., Buerhaus, P., Donelan K., Staiger, D., Health Affairs, April 13, 2022