A Cost-Effective Plan for Managing Violence in the Healthcare Setting


Unfortunately, scenes of violence marked by individuals acting out in dramatic fashion have become a fixture of the daily news cycle, too often taking place in a hospital, medical office building or other care centers. Clinicians and healthcare executives carry the responsibility of initiating actions to minimize and mitigate the risk of these events at their facilities.

These events invariably cause leadership of organizations to review current security measures in place and explore what adjustments can be made while being economically responsible. All too often, initial reaction might be to contract with a security firm or hire a consultant to first conduct an assessment and then provide an action plan with targeted recommendations.

This paper will identify strategies and tools for managing security risks with minimal cost by promoting the utilization of readily available resources which in many cases are available at no cost.

These programs have the potential to dramatically improve your organization’s risk awareness, underlying factors of volatile incidents and provide practical solutions to dramatically improve your organization’s security management program.



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